Why do trees matter?

Trees are very important to all organisms. In fact, rainforests are home to 50%-90% of all organisms. Nearly 50 million creatures can only survive in these deep rich forests. Humans, like these species, also need these trees to survive. 25% of all medicines come from these rainforests. Trees improve the quality of air and the cleanliness of it, by trapping the carbon in which species breathe out and pollution fills the air.

dead forest


Small farming and industry play big roles in deforestation. Eleven million acres a year are cut down for the logging industry. Clearing land for cattle to graze is also a main cause of deforestation. By tradition, wild lands and unsettled lands in the rainforest are free to those who clear the forest and till the soil. 70 percent of the plants found to have anticancer properties are found only in the rainforest. The rainforest and its immense undiscovered biodiversity hold the key to unlocking tomorrow's cures for devastating diseases.