US DHS grant | SOC | SIU

Southern Illinois University



College of Engineering, Computing, Technology, and Mathematics

crime mapping computer vision usage with AI to solve crimes

US DHS grant awarded to Dr. Ahmed Imteaj

Dr. Ahmed Imteaj’s collaborative project with FIU entitled "Education and Workforce Training for Artificial Intelligence in Criminal Activity Recognition: Computing and Criminology Perspectives" has been awarded a grant from US Department of Homeland Security (DHS) under the Criminal Investigations and Network Analysis Center (CINA) program. The project is scheduled for a duration of one year, with an approved funding amount of $99,500.

The project discusses the two-fold nature of the research, focusing on understanding how criminals might exploit AI for criminal activities and utilizing AI to detect and combat criminal behavior. It emphasizes the urgency of offering advanced education and workforce development in the field of homeland security to address emerging threats, especially in the realm of cybercrimes facilitated by AI. The project aims to provide state-of-the-art training to deal with existing criminal activities and to recognize and counter AI-driven cybercrimes.

To address these challenges, the project outlines the development of educational modules and certificate programs that cover topics such as analytics for criminal investigations, computer vision for identifying illegal activities, natural language processing in crime investigations, and the integration of criminology perspectives with AI investigations. The objective is to equip students, practitioners, and law enforcement personnel with the knowledge and skills required to comprehend and confront AI-enabled criminal activities. By leveraging technologies like GIS crime mapping and computer vision, law enforcement can predict crime patterns and trends more effectively, ultimately enhancing public safety.

The project emphasizes the need for a comprehensive understanding of AI's potential in both criminal activities and crime prevention. The educational modules will be integrated into related courses, and to enhance the educational experience, the project also includes inviting expert speakers to provide real-world insights and use cases.

The ultimate goal of the project is to narrow the gap in educating professionals and students in AI-based cybercriminal activities and their prevention mechanisms. Through this initiative, the project aims to foster a workforce that is well-prepared to address emerging threats, leverage AI for crime detection, and ensure the safety and security of communities.

Update: Official press release here (12/04/2023)