About Us

Welcome to our Road Safety site! We created this website to help people learn about road distractions, Road Safety, Road Laws, and some car safety information. We're here to inform people about the dangers the road can hold. Road safety is an important topic right now. Many drivers are doing distracting behaviors that lead to accidents and even death. Many states are starting to make laws preventing you from doing a few of these distracting activities

Be safe!

In the United States the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) estimates that 17,941 people died in 2006 in alcohol-related collisions, representing 40% of total traffic deaths in the US. NHTSA states 275,000 were injured in alcohol-related accidents in 2003

Aggressive driving is very common in bigger cities, and it can cause turmoil in the cities. Aggressive driving is a way of driving any type of vehicle or effecting any type of maneuver on a vehicle in which the driver deliberately behaves in such a manner as to increase the risk of a road accident. An aggressive driver may in some instances drive so recklessly and imprudently as to injure or kill a person or an animal or cause material harm to the property of another person/s. He/she is also subject to cause bodily harm to himself/herself.