Man-Made Disasters

Oil Spills


An oil spill is a release of a liquid petroleum hydrocarbon into the environment due to human activity, and is a form of pollution.Oceanic oil spills can have a large impact on the animal life in that section of the ocean. If the spill occurs close enough to land, ocean currents may carry it to nearby shores where it can affect land animals as well.Some animals are poisoned by it and not to mention it pollutes the water.

Nuclear Explosions

A nuclear explosion occurs as a result of the rapid release of energy from an intentionally high-speed nuclear reaction. The driving reaction may be nuclear fission, nuclear fusion or a multistage cascading combination of the two, though to date all fusion based weapons have used a fission device to initiate fusion, and a pure fusion weapon remains a hypothetical device.

Atmospheric nuclear explosions are associated with mushroom clouds, although mushroom clouds can occur with large chemical explosions, and it is possible to have an air-burst nuclear explosion without these clouds. Nuclear explosions produce radiation and radioactive debris.

Global Warming

Global warming is the average increase of the earth's temperature each year. This is all controlled through the ozone layer. Climate change occurs which will cause many animals to suffer. Take the artic for instance, ice caps are melting therefore the penguins and polar bears are suffering.Every disaster has a consequence.The reason for these consequences are the fact that humans don't take care of the planet all these man made disasters cause the ozone layer to thin.Therefore, causing global warming.