Natural Disasters



The birth of a hurricane requires at least three conditions. First, the ocean waters must be warm enough at the surface to put enough heat and moisture into the overlying atmosphere to provide the potential fuel for the thermodynamic engine that a hurricane becomes. Second, atmospheric moisture from sea water evaporation must combine with that heat and energy to form the powerful engine needed to propel a hurricane. Third, a wind pattern must be near the ocean surface to spirals air inward. Bands of thunderstorms form, allowing the air to warm further and rise higher into the atmosphere. If the winds at these higher levels are relatively light, this structure can remain intact and grow stronger. This is the beginning of a hurricane!Pre-existing weather conditions usually are what triggers a hurricane.Hurricanes are very common in the tropic areas and the hurricane season usually begin around July first, and ends somewhere in the middle of November. Hurricanes can be very dangerous and can sometimes be deadly.

Precations should taken before a hurricane. such as: boarding up windows, having plenty of food and water, some form of radio, candles, or maybe even relocationg.


The birth of a hurricane requires at least three conditions. First, the ocean waters must be warm enough at the surface to put enough heat and moisture into the overlying atmosphere to provide the potential fuel for the thermodynamic engine that a hurricane becomes. Second, atmospheric moisture from sea water evaporation must combine with that heat and energy to form the powerful engine needed to propel a hurricane. Third, a wind pattern must be near the ocean surface to spirals air inward. Bands of thunderstorms form, allowing the air to warm further and rise higher into the atmosphere. If the winds at these higher levels are relatively light, this structure can remain intact and grow stronger. This is the beginning of a hurricane!Pre-existing weather conditions usually are what triggers a hurricane.Hurricanes are very common in the tropic areas and the hurricane season usually begin around July first, and ends somewhere in the middle of November. Hurricanes can be very dangerous and can sometimes be deadly.

Precations should taken before a hurricane. such as: boarding up windows, having plenty of food and water, some form of radio, candles, or maybe even relocationg.


A flood is an overflow of an expanse of water that submerges land. There have been many floods due to severe thunderstorms. Floods can occur in a lake or even in a river. Floods can occur anywhere there is water. There can also be a muddy flood which is the run off of crop lands.Land that is usually proned to flooding is flat or along a river.

Consequeces due to floods are homes that are destroyed, many people may drown, and some may end up trapped. As well as any other natural disaster, People should take precations like using sandbags or having a boat in the back yard in case of an emergency.