/* * 03-16-09 (v1.1.17) * -Finished implementing DSSWorker and HousingAssistance fields * -Added confirmation box before updating user * * 03-02-09 (v1.0.16) * -Added confirmation messages * -Minor optimizations to the query results form displaying results * -Added "Disabled" and "CaseStatus" fields to the update record and add record functions * -Updated ClearFields function to clear Disabled and CaseStatus fields for main form and query form * -Added option to automatically close all open cases in the database that should be closed (i.e. they are more than 1 year old) * * 02-27-09 (v1.0.15) * -Completed the ability to load most recent queries * -Tested remote connections (sucessfully) * * 02-25-09 * -Continued to work on saving the most recent query * -Gave status report * * 02-23-09 (v1.0.14) * -Fixed bug in saving queries that don't have a DawgTag * -Finished ability to load the saved queries * * 02-22-09 (v1.0.13) * -Optimized the build query routine * -Added ability to save queries * * 02-20-09 (v1.0.12) * -Added ability to delete a year of service for any semester * -Added "Disabled" and "CaseStatus" columns in the database for student records * *The "Disabled" property is to determine between disabled and non disabled students (veterans) * -Added querying capabalities for "Disabled" and "CaseStatus" * -Added Case Status to the query results window * * 02-18-09 (v1.0.11) * -Tidied up some GUI elements and added GUI to Query form for new functionality * -Added function to sort years that correspond to a semester of service * -Updated query to allow for multiple years of a semester of service to be searched * * 02-16-09 (v1.0.10) * -User can now add the years of service for any semester * -User can query database based on year and semester of service * * 02-13-09 (v1.0.9) * -Edited GUI to accomodate for the new way of dealing with the semester of services * -Changed MySQL database to accomodate for the new semester of service format * -Changed the studentDataSet to accomodate for the new semester of service format * * 02-11-09 * -no changes * -went over previous changes and future plans with supervisor * * 02-09-09 (v1.0.8) * -Added column sorting for query results * -Added primary code column to the query results * -Fixed bug that stores the primary disability control name as the primary disability in the database * -Now saves blank phone numbers, birthdate, and SSN as a null string to the database * * 02-06-09 (v1.0.7) * -Rearranged datafields on main and query forms * -Added save button (without function) to query results * * 02-04-09 (v1.0.6) * -Enabled/Disabled menus respective to database connection state * -Only displays one appropiate message when blank user is added * -User now has to enter a valid social security number * * 02-02-09 (v1.0.5) * -Added version number to main form title * -Denied query when all fields are blank * * 01-29-09 (v1.0.4) * -Added ability to add and update records * * 01-27-09 (v1.0.3) * -Added a Query Results form that displays all matches found * -Can only load a record that was queried from the Query Results form * -Incorporated all other fields in the query and loading into the main form * * 01-22-09 (v1.0.2) * -Added a Query form * -Added ability to query DawgTag, and FirstName from the database * -Query finds single result and loads it to the main form * * 01-20-09 (v1.0.1) * -Setup MySQL Database and MySQL Connector (for visual studio access) * -Added ability to connect to the database * * 01-15-09 (v1.0.0) * -Initial creation of GUI * */