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Tornadoes can occur anywhere or anytime. These devastating storms come in many different shapes and sizes. Generally, weaker tornadoes have winds of less than 110-miles-per-hour and last from one to 10 or more minutes. Stronger tornadoes have winds of approximately 110-205 miles-per-hour and can last 20 minutes or longer. Violent tornadoes have winds of more than 205-miles-per-hour and can last longer than one hour. Tornadoes frequently are associated with severe thunderstorms, particularly storms which produce hail and high winds.

No place is completely safe from a tornado, but you can lessen the impact on you and your family by being prepared.

What to watch for
Tornado conditions are characterized by a dark, often greenish sky, tall dark clouds, hail and a loud roar similar to a freight train. Pay attention to the local news media, particularly when the conditions are right for the development of severe storms. Doppler Radar is a great tool for identifying tornadoes, but technology still does not allow us to predict when or where a tornado will touch down.

What you can do before the storm

Plan ahead. Know what you will do and where you will go if threatened by a tornado.
Keep a map nearby so you can track the movement of the storm from weather bulletins.
Obtain a NOAA Weather Radio with a warning-alarm tone and battery back-up for warnings. If planning a trip outdoors, listen for the latest forecasts and take necessary actions if severe weather threatens.
If a warning is issued or threatening weather approaches:

Move to a predesignated "safe area" in your home.
Stay away from windows and move to an interior room.
Stop your vehicle and find shelter. Don't try to outrun a storm in your car.
If you are outside, seek shelter in a nearby ditch or depression.
Evacuate mobile homes because they offer no protection from winds.